About Plan A Projects

Everything about Plan A Projects’ Vision, Mission, Values, Services and Partnerships.

Plan A Projects

Our vision, mission and values

Vision: We create time for growth® – Agile On Time.

Mission: Denmark’s most competent in project method at complex projects by:

  • implementing innovative and agile project methods
  • increase our customers’ levels of competence
  • adjust the services to the customers’ unique situation

Values: We work from the values: Ambitious, enthusiastic, targeted, persistent and value-creating.

Agile On Time: What does Plan A Projects offer?

Plan A Projects is a consultant- and teaching company established in 2005. We offer agile project method and courses in agile project management. Our delivery model is builded around headhunted agile coaches and an international network of around 50 agile coaches additionally. We create time for growth by helping our customers creating better results, faster, month after month. Plan A Projects’ services give operational answers to DSDM’s project method:

  • Agile Project model

We base our project model on the customer’s existing stage gate model. We create project roles: Description and responsibilities for each role. We have implemented our project model in three big companies by basing it on their existing stage gate models. Afterwards we have completed successful pilot projects delivered on time or before.

  • Agile coaching

Plan A Projects was the agile coach at the first big agile SAP-projects in Denmark. An agile coach is an agile antenna in the organization who supports, helps and spaves with the project manager and the steering committee, to ensure the agile track so that you can reach the goal on time or before! At the same time, an agile coach makes the agile project method reachable and understandable for all parts so that the method gets used.

  • Agile certifications

Agile certification course with an internationally approved certification administered by DSDM in England. Your outcome is an operational approach, concrete tools and exercises, methods and leadership styles, international certification, good dialogue and sparring.

  • Adjusted courses

Customized courses depending on your needs with economic savings. Company courses give your company an opportunity to increase the common knowledge about agile project management and contributes to complete projects in time and within the budget, educate several employees at the same time focusing on operational tools and creating a common language for the employees and the business as a whole.

  • Facilitated workshops

Facilitated workshops give you and your team opportunity to get up the learning curve together and thereby increasing your probability to deliver on time. Examples on popular workshops: Project Breakdown, Medium Level Specifications, High Level Planning, Estimation with Planning Poker Cards and/or the Information Radiator.

  • Agile Facilitation – Management Groups & Steering Committees

Rooted in the Client’s individual situation and needs, a workshop is designed aimed at key Project-Stakeholders. The Project-Stakeholders are guided through a half-day program, designed to increase the team’s understanding of the agile method, and also outline the areas in which the major agile methodologies differ, and where each is best applicable. The Workshop discovers the team’s expected and/or existing project-challenges, unique organizational needs and potential obstacles, and creates alignment around the team’s use of terminology and project-language. Finally, the Workshop provides Plan A Project’s proprietary reporting-tool specifically designed for Steering Committee reporting and communication – a tool, which provides the Steering Committee and Management Team with a platform for project-tracking and decision-making throughout the project.

  • Assessment of Agile Programs and Complex Projects

In situations, where one or more current projects need adjusting in order to deliver better and faster results – or, where the project-methodology chosen may be questionable due to specific project circumstances or changes, we undertake a thorough assessment of these, in close collaboration with the client. The goal is to right-track the project, by outlining potential obstacles and alternative solutions, with the aim to optimize the project and methodology. The Assessment includes tangible recommendations and implementation of these in close collaboration with the client – potentially as part of a train-the-trainer program.

  • Which Agile Method is best for my company? – Agile Method Feasibility Study & Agile Method Advisory

It can be challenging to navigate the various project-methods available on the market today. Plan A Projects provide support to Management Teams and Project Managers by participating in the internal analysis and due-diligence leading to a well-supported choice of the best suited Agile Method(s). The foundation is an inclusive thorough evaluation based on our Agile Method Landscape, the underlying method framework, and the client’s unique circumstances and needs.

  • Agile 1:1 Feedback & Advisory

We provide individual feedback and support to Project Managers and Steering Committees. This is arranged according to the client’s individual needs and  circumstances – usually on an ad-hoc basis, during sprint-shifts, or as part of selected project-milestones. The 1:1 Feedback & Advisory can be arranged on an hourly basis or as part of a retainer contract. The goal is to provide neutral, unbias advisory and partnership, which helps secure that the project moves forward efficiently and according to schedule. It also allows for a neutral forum for discussion and testing of alternative ideas and solutions.

  • After-work meetings

An After-work meeting about agile project management gives you and your colleagues an overview of the agile method, concrete tools, rewarding reflections and courage to get started. In our preparations for the After-work meeting we can customize the content together to reach exactly your goal for the meeting. You can gather the whole organization or a part of it and choose the time, place and language for the event. 

  • Train the Trainer

Do you have one or several employees who must be trained to be the agile expert in your business? Train the Trainer is an effective, in-house way of securing your future agile focus on the projects.

We are an official member of SAP ® PartnerEdge ® Open Ecosystem SAP Partner

SAP Partner

We create time for growth ® – Agile On Time

In collaboration with us and our agile project method you can create time for growth in your business. With our project method, even the most big and complex projects can be done within the agreed time or before. By avoiding delays on the projects, you get the time to do another project or focusing on something new that benefits your business. In that way, we help you create time for growth.

The recipe for creating time for growth contains of several elements, which all contributes to this exactly. First of all, this project method has a focus on the people who participates in the project. It is important to keep them motivated through the whole project and that they are leaving work in the afternoon with a smile on their faces. This occurs by the right leadership style, where the project manager controls the overall framework but leaves the detailed planning to the individual team members. This gets the team members to interact and share knowledge with each other, creating both strong common knowledge and transparency according to the tasks in the project. The recipe also contains a strong agile method which is established back in 1994. The method can be used for both small and big projects and is based on DSMS’s eight agile principles.

Our method stands out from other methods in several ways – among others because we focus on creating early learning in the project. For the recipe to work, it is important to spend a lot of time filling the project members with knowledge early in the project before they start working. Then everyone knows which tasks to finish and the probability for getting it done in time gets bigger. In the beginning of the workshop there will be held several workshops where project members from both the customer’s and supplier’s side participate, to get everyone up the learning curve as fast as possible.

The project framework also plays an important role in getting the project done in time. Among others, it contains in advance to agree about what to do if unexpected challenges occur during the project. A tool which can be used for this is the project triangle which is described here. Simultaneously it is important to maintain rich communication among the project members and to be physically at the same place as much as possible.

One last important contribution is our operational experience, which we have achieved through many years. The solid experience comes among other from big, complex projects where it has been proved, that our project method is fully suitable for projects like these.

Would you like to reach your goal in time and with happy employees during the project?
Then this model for creating time for growth might be the right one to look at. By avoiding delays on your planned projects and even deliver before deadline, you get a lot more time to complete additional projects and even in a more successful way according to job satisfaction. Thereby the model both gives happier employees and a more successful business in the long run.


Plan A Projects collaborates with the following organizations:



Strategic cooperation with strong company from the UK

Our delivery model is based on a network of the best agile coaches in Europe.

We have a cooperation with the English company TCC which means, that we have a capacity of 10 really good agile coaches in our network and further 40 agile specialists who are also on European top level. With the competencies of TCC as a part of Plan A Projects, we are able to handle tasks on big and complex projects both in Denmark and internationally.

Dot Tudor is Technical Director at TCC and has through several years been represented in Plan A Projects Advisory Board. Among other, she has been named the best agile coach in England in 2011 and have since that been nominated several times. Her and the rest of our high-end network play an important role in guaranteeing development and quality of our project method, but mostly important we cooperate to solve big tasks for you.


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AAA rating

Plan A Projects are once again proud to be among the 2 % of the Danish companies, who have reached an AAA rating. To reach an AAA (Trippel-A), you need to have a business with extremely good ability to accommodate current payment obligations.

Having a good credit rating is highly valued at Plan A Projects, because it shows our customers that they work with a healthy and stable company, which is worth entering agreements with. We are really proud of that!


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