JCI teaching among the top 5 best!
On March the 11th Plan A projects taught 40 board members from JCI about Agile Project Management in Copenhagen Airport.
JCI (Junior Chamber International) is an international organization for young business active people, who want to develop themselves. The organization has departments all over Denmark and in the rest of the world with more than 150.000 members globally. Since 1915, JCI has offered teaching in networks within several different professional directions, and their vision is “to be the leading global network of young active citizens”.
Sanne Bundgaard is co-organizer at the event and here she tells about the task that Plan A Projects were asked to deliver.
“Lasse Borris Sørensen should (and did!!) give tools for turning our plans of action into reality. Lasse uses a combination between practice and theory, where his own methods are used in the teaching as well as in the exercises.”
Furthermore, Sanne Bundgaard adds following about Lasse Borris Sørensen as a teacher:
“Lasse Borris Sørensen is a very clever man, and guides us through a huge amount of stuff in a short time, helped along with strictness, sweets, humor and an incredible knowledge. Both the stuff he teaches in and the methods he uses leaves us with tools which many of us barely couldn’t wait to start trying out in the different divisions. Personally I’m a big fan of Lasse and for the 6 years I have been in JCI his training is among the top 5!”
Sanne Bundgaard, JCI member Mors, co-organizer and Executive Vice Precident of Operations
If you want to experience Lasse Borris Sørensen in action, you can sign up for our next certification course here. It is also possible to arrange a private event for your organization where you will get specialized agile training like they did in JCI.